BRATISLAV Vladimir |
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... |
30+ |
... |
... |
10+ |
aka Beast of Lysva |
1997 |
... |
Lysva |
Urteil: |
Vladimir Bratislav, the Beast of Lysva, raped, mutilated and murdered in more than a year's time thirty young women. Right now, he's a prisoner in the prison of Solikamsk in the Urals where he's serving a life sentence. Bratislav says that, whenever he sees a woman, he feels the urge to assault her immediately. [ReadOn]
... |
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aka |
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location |
Urteil: |
Accused of raping and murdering at least six children Roman is the latest serial killer to surface in Rostov-on-Don, the former stomping grounds of the cannibal killer Andrei Chikatilo. Burtsev, 25, was arrested in July 1996, and confessed to the killings, giving investigators detailed descriptions of the crime scenes. [ReadOn]
... |
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7-100 |
aka Metal Fang |
1980 |
1995 |
Kyrgyzstan |
Urteil: |
Nikolai Dzhurmongaliev has claimed to have killed between seven to 100 women, and served many of them to his dinner guests. Nikolai used at least 47 of his victims to make ethnic dishes for his neighbors in the Russian republic of Kyrgyzstan. When arrested, Nikolai pointed out that two women could provide enough delicate meat to keep him going for a week [ReadOn] |
GOLOVKIN Anatoly |
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... |
11 |
aka |
1986 |
1994 |
Moscow |
Urteil: |
Sentenced to death in Moscow in 1994, Golovkin joined Andrei Chikatilo in perestroika's rapidly growing gallery of the depraved. Another sexual sadist, Anatoly derived pleasure from slitting the bellies of some of his victims -- young boys -- and cutting their testicles. "He is a straight forward maniac," said a spokesman for Moscow district prosecutor's office. Golovkin was sentenced to death for murdering 11 boys over an eight-year period. |
GREB Alexander |
*... |
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aka |
... |
... |
Belgorodsky |
Urteil: |
... |
IONOSYAN Vladimir M. |
... |
+1964/02/01 |
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... |
... |
5+ |
DMITRIEVA Alevtina |
... |
... |
Moscow |
aka |
1964 |
1964 |
Urteil: Death by Firing Squad (IONOSYAN); 15 years (DMITRIEVA) |
In early January 1964, residents of Moscow whispered warnings to their neighbors of a mysterious, long-nosed killer prowling the city, knocking on doors at random, gaining entry to the homes of his victims by posing as a meter-reader for Moscow Gas. [ReadOn]
... |
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11+ |
aka |
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... |
Moscow |
Urteil: |
A decade after Vladimir Ionosyan sparked a local panic with the "Mosgas" murders, residents of Moscow circulated rumors of another homicidal maniac at large. According to reports, the slayer was a fair-haired, handsome young man, armed with a cobbler's bodkin or similar instrument, who trailed his female victims from the ornate subway stations, stabbing them to death in nearby streets and alleys. [ReadOn]
1871 |
1923/06/18 |
... |
... |
... |
33+ |
The Moscow Wolfe |
1921 |
1923 |
Moscow |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Vasili Komaroff was known among his neighbors as a friendly, smiling family man. He dealt in horses, and maintained a stable at his home, in Moscow's Shabolovki district. None who knew him well suspected that he might have been the "Wolf of Moscow," an elusive killer who had terrorized the neighborhood and foiled police investigators in a two-year manhunt. Times were hard and life was cheap in Russia, in the early 1920s. [ReadOn]
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200 |
... |
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... |
Verdict/Urteil: Death by Firing Squad |
Described by Soviet reporters as a leader of the "Volga pirates," cruel Kuznetsof stood accused, in 1929, of some 200 crimes, including six known homicides in which his relatives were normally selected as the victims . Unrepentant to the end, he chilled and titillated Russian audiences with his philosophical approach to murder, offering decisive proof that differences in politics have little bearing on the bestial side of man. [ReadOn] |
KUZIKOV Ilshat |
... |
... |
... |
3 |
1992 |
1997 |
St. Petersburg |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
MASLICH Andrej |
... |
... |
... |
4 |
1990s |
Siberia |
Verdict/Urteil: |
A death row inmate in Siberia, Andrei has received two death sentences for strangling and cooking his cell mates in prison. Maslich, a four-time convicted murderer, received his first death penalty in 1995 when he and another inmate strangled, cooked and ate a prisoner because they were bored. [ReadOn] |
*1947 |
+1985? |
... |
... |
... |
36+ |
1970 |
1985 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
During the 70's and 80's the U.S.S.R. was a place where it was rather hard to get the full story on anything, especially if the story was one that painted the State in a bad light. While this is not really a bad thing, when combined with corrupt law officials, more worried about not being promoted then solving a case, it can be rather dangerous for both criminals and innocent people. [ReadOn] |
MOSCOW Carjacker |
... |
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... |
10 |
1998 |
Moscow |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
MOSCOW Ripper |
... |
... |
... |
# |
prost |
1885 |
Moscow |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
12+ |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
MUKHANKIN Vladimir |
1960 |
... |
... |
... |
8 |
1995 |
1996 |
Rostov |
Verdict/Urteil: |
In January, 1997, Vladimir Mukhankin, 36, pleaded guilty to murdering eight women in Rostov-a-Don, the former stomping grounds of Andrei Chikatilo, Russia's most infamous serial killer. Vladimir was sentenced to death for his murderous rampage. |
... |
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52+ |
aka |
1990 |
1996 |
location |
Urteil: |
When police arrested 37-year-old former forrestry student, Anatoly Onoprienko on April 16, 1996, they finally ended the Ukraine's worst killing spree. Anatoly, a native of Zhitomir, was carrying a hunting rifle that matched the murder weapon in several of the killings and had jewelry and video equipment, which may belong to some of his victims. [ReadOn]
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location |
aka |
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... |
Urteil: |
... |
PANCHENKO Dr. Dimitri |
... |
... |
... |
# |
1890s |
1911 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
PERM Rape Slayer |
... |
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... |
7 |
1996 |
Perm |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
POPOVA Alexe |
1909/03/.. |
... |
... |
... |
300+ |
1879 |
1909 |
Samara |
Verdict/Urteil: Death by Firing Squad |
A prolific poisoner who undertook her work as much from sympathy as for the minor fees she charged, Madame Popova was an advocate of women's liberation long before the cause was recognized. A native of Samara, Russia, she was so distressed by the travail of peasant wives held "captive" by their brutish husbands that she volunteered an inexpensive, lethal remedy. [ReadOn]
ROSTOV on DON SEX Killings |
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8 |
1992 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
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... |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
1963 |
... |
... |
... |
19 |
Hippopotamus |
1991 |
1993 |
Moscow |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Sergei, a necrophilic killer known as "The Hippopotamus" because of his size, is believed to have slain up to 19 people in the suburbs of Moscow. Six more survived his attacks. In July, 1995 he was sentenced to death for his crimes. [ReadOn] |
... |
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5 |
1996 |
1997 |
Siberia |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
SLIVKO Anatoli |
... |
... |
... |
7 |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
SPESIVTSEV Lyudmilla |
19+ |
SPESIVTSEV Alexander "Sasha" |
Siberia |
1991 |
1997 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
In a one man crusade to cleanse modern Russia from the permissiveness of democracy, Sasha Spesivtsev, 27, killed at least 19 street children who he saw as the detritus of society. Inexplicably, with the help of his mother, he also cooked and ate them. [ReadOn] |
1926 |
... |
... |
... |
100+ |
1920 |
1926 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
At his trial in Moscow, during April 1926, Trapishkin was accused of murdering 100 persons in the past six years, with several robberies appended to the charge. Convicted on all counts, he was sentenced to death by the Moscow Supreme Court on April 6. A peasant named Dibenko received a sentence of five years at hard labor for harboring Trapishkin during the manhunt that culminated in his arrest. |
TSCHIKATILO Andrei Romanowitsch |
+1994 |
... |
... |
... |
52+ |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
With his shaved, bald head and wild eyes, Andrei Chikatilo looked for all the world like Nosferatu, the original Dracula silent movie monster, as he glared menacingly from behind his barred cage in a Russian courtroom. "I am a mistake of nature...a mad beast," the fifty-six-year-old former schoolteacher said chillingly as he confessed to killing at least fifty-five people, mostly schoolchildren, between 1978 and 1990, drinking their blood, and cannibalizing them. [ReadOn]
Der Bruder des russischen Hannibal Lecter wurde als Kind von den Dorfbewohnern während einer Hungersperiode verschleppt und aufgegessen. Jedenfalls hatte man ihm das erzählt. [ Weiterlesen] |
*1973 |
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... |
19 |
aka |
1997 |
1997 |
Siberia |
Urteil: |
On June 10, 1998, Red Army army deserter Vadim Yershov fainted when he was sentenced to death for raping, robbing and stabbing 19 people. Yershov, 25, was sentenced by a military tribunal in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk. Fortunately for him Russia has suspended executing its convicts even though the death sentence is still part of the legal code. The Council of Europe urged Russia to abolish capital punishment as a condition for its membership in the organization.