I try to keep a fact-driven site, providing a serious resource for Universities, Law Schools, Profilers, Forensic Experts, Authors - and of course all the private visitors of this site. As many of you know already, I am glad to support you in researching certain cases and/or provide you with additional material I collected - as long as you convince me of your qualification in that very subject. |
WHAT crimeZZZ.net IS NOT |
If you are in quest for bloodlusty details or pictures, you are at the wrong place - there are hundreds of thus sites "outside". However I will write about details - as factual as possible - where I find it essential to describe a crime.
crimeZZZ.net will not paint killers as "genius", "brillant" or make them heroes. I don´t understand my site as "entertainment".
crimeZZZ.net tries to throw a peek into the mind of criminals and to understand the "making of criminals".
I try to pay most attention to neither hurting the victims dignity nor the feelings of their families.
It seems often forgotten that not only killers but also victims have names & faces, so I try to research victims names and pictures. I plan to launch a site soon, which is exclusively dedicated to victim´s bios.
Out of those reasons please understand that I am very restrictive in adding links to "serial killer sites". Likewise I am equally restrictive in allowing other sites to link to crimeZZZ.net |
While it seems tempting to collect information from that numerous sites in the web dealing with that topic, I prefer to do my own research and to rely on serious sources. For every case I usually start with some basic information from various sources, adding the details, I go deeper in corresponding with news agencies, journalists, in reading trial documents, mailing to authorities, forensic experts, universities and wellknown authors. |
RECOMMEND crimeZZZ.net |
If you like crimeZZZ.net, it is easy now to send our URL to your friends! |
COUNTRY CODES according to ISO-3166 |
A translation for the CountryCodes according ISO-3166, which I use throughout the site is located here. |
crimeZZZ.net ARTWORK |
How to make this artwork your desktop wallpaper: Click the appropriate Link => The picture opens in a new window. Right-click the picture => Choose "As Background".
Bild als Desktop Hintergrund einrichten: Klicke auf den passenden Link => Das Bild öffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster. Klicke mit der rechten Maustaste auf das Bild => Wähle "Als Hintergrund".
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The Author |
...of eliZZZa who is in fact not half as bloodthirsty as this site may let you fear. Actually I am a rather peaceful person, teaching screen design, web production and everything PC and Internet while privately growing orchids and living with my cat "Stiefel" ("boots") in the middle of Vienna.
The impetus to collecting serial killers struck me when I researched for a job on that topic, which left me quite frustrated facing so much humiliation, perversion, contempt for humanity and neglection of victims, that I immediately started building a site with a different approach - I always re-invent Internet, whenever I am not content with what I find out there. But that´s a different story >;o)) |
NEW - victimZZZ.net |
At the moment I am developing a database for and a website dedicated to victims of serial killers. Up to now they don´t have faces in most of the publications and their bios are widely unknown.
victimZZZ.net will collect at least as much information on victims as there is on serial killers. |