Between May and July of 1982, Toronto citizens were terrorized by a series of brutal rape -assaults that left four young women dead and a fifth gravely injured. An editorial in the Toronto Star described the victims as "a cheerleader, a nanny, a mother and a bride-to-be." While angry women's groups attacked the notion that rape victims are invariably young and attractive, thus somehow "inviting" assault, local residents cringed from the published accounts of the crimes: pantyhose tied around one victims throat; another's skull crushed with a brick; a third naked and floating face-down in the river. The first to die, on May 28, was 19-year-old Jennifer Isford, battered and discarded on a lawn close by her parents' home. Four other attacks would follow in the next six weeks, climaxing with the July strangulation of 38-year-old Judy DeLisle. Police describe the crimes as "apparently unconnected," but locals remain unconvinced of the "coincidence." At this writing, the case remains unsolved, the killer (or killers) still at large.