BAILEY Leslie |
*1950 |
+1993/10/.. |
... |
... |
3 |
25 |
BARRELL Stephen |
*... |
... |
COOKE Sidney |
*1928 |
... |
OLIVER Robert |
*1955 |
... |
aka Catweazle |
1980s |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
Pedophile slayers of boys |
BAKER Allan |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
CRUMP Kevin |
... |
... |
aka |
... |
... |
location |
Urteil: |
... |
BARROW Clyde Chestnut |
*1909 |
+1934/05/.. |
... |
... |
... |
16 |
PARKER Bonnie |
*1910 |
+1934/05/.. |
*1901 |
+1933/07/.. |
HAMILTON Raymond |
+1935/05/.. |
JONES William Daniel |
*1915 |
aka Bonnie & Clyde |
Urteil: Death Penalty (HAMILTON); Life (JONES) |
Bonnie Parker liked to write poetry about the exploits of her lover, Clyde Barrow, and she found his violence erotic. Deputy Ted Hinton was one of the six officers who ambushed and shot the couple to death. [ReadOn]
BEANE Sawney |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
? |
... |
... |
location |
aka Beane Family |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
... |
BEMORE Terry Douglas |
*1956 |
... |
... |
... |
... |
2 |
COSBY Keith |
*1959 |
... |
CA |
aka |
1985 |
1985 |
Urteil: |
... |
BENDER William |
... |
... |
... |
location |
... |
... |
aka Bender Family |
... |
... |
Urteil: Disappeared |
On the high prairie the Bender family -- John, his wife , son, and daughter Kate -- in 1871 built a small house. Partitioned in two rooms by a canvas cloth it had a table, stove and grocery shelves in front. [ReadOn]
BIANCHI Kenneth Alessio |
... |
... |
... |
9+ |
BUONO Angelo jr. |
... |
... |
CA |
aka Hillside Stranglers |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
A more dangerous team of blood relatives was composed of the two cousins who came to be known as the Hillside Stranglers. October 17, 1977, Yolanda Washington, 19, was picked up, strangled, and dumped near the entrance to Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills Cemetery. [ReadOn]
BIJEH Mohammad |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
21+ |
*... |
+... |
Tehran |
aka Vampires of the Tehran Desert |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
... |
BITTAKER Lawrence Sigmund |
*1940/09/27 |
... |
... |
... |
5+ |
NORRIS Roy Lewis |
*1948/02/05 |
... |
CA |
aka |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
Lawrence Bittaker was serving time for assault with a deadly weapon, in 1978, when he met Roy Norris at the California Men's Colony at San Luis Obispo. A convicted rapist, Norris recognized a soul-mate in Bittaker, and they soon became inseparable. [ReadOn]
BONIN William |
+1996/02/23 |
... |
... |
... |
14+ |
BUTTS Vernon |
+1981/01/11 |
CA |
MUNRO James Michael |
MILEY Gregory M. |
PUGH William Ray |
WIJNAENDTS Eric Marten |
... |
... |
aka California Freeway Killers |
1972 |
1980 |
Verdict/Urteil: Death Penalty (BONIN), 25-to-life (MILEY), 15-to-life (MUNRO) |
Crimes & Victims:
Between December 1972 and June 1980 at least 44 young men and boys become victims of at least one unidentified “Freeway Killer” in seven Southern California counties.
Eleven of those victims killed prior to 1976 are known or suspected homosexuals, so the killer might be gay himself. [ReadOn]
BRAUN Thomas Eugene |
*1951 |
... |
... |
... |
3 |
MAINE Leonard |
*1951 |
... |
aka |
1967 |
1967 |
Urteil: |
A native of rural Washington state, born in 1949, Thomas Braun lost his mother in early childhood as the result of a clumsy, illegal abortion. Left in the care of their alcoholic father , Braun and his younger sister were frequently locked in a truck for safekeeping while the old man made his rounds of local taverns. [ReadOn]
BROOKS Benjamin Harold |
*1967 |
... |
... |
... |
TREESH Frederick James |
*1964 |
... |
aka |
1994 |
1994 |
Urteil: |
... |
BURKE Peter |
*1959 |
... |
... |
... |
CRAWFORD Cody Vernon |
*1958 |
NM |
*1958 |
... |
aka |
1974 |
1974 |
Urteil: |
... |
BURKE William |
*1792 |
+1829 |
... |
... |
... |
12+ |
HARE William |
... |
... |
location |
aka |
1827 |
1828 |
Urteil: Death by Hanging (BURKE) |
Possibly two of Scotland's most gruesome imports were the serial killers William Burke and William Hare. Burke and Hare hailed from Ulster and moved to Scotland to work as labourers on the Union Canal. [ReadOn]
BURROWS Erskine Durrant |
+1977/12/01 |
... |
... |
... |
5 |
TACKLYN Larry Winfield |
... |
+1977/12/01 |
... |
aka |
... |
... |
Urteil: Death by Hanging |
... |
BURSE Nathaniel |
*1955 |
+1979 |
... |
... |
... |
12 |
CLARK Michael |
*1957 |
JACKSON Garland |
*1956 |
MORAN Edward jr. |
*1955 |
+1979 |
PATRY Darrell |
*1958 |
TAYLOR Donald |
*1957 |
TAYLOR Reuben |
*1956 |
WILSON Robert |
*1960 |
... |
aka De Mau Mau |
1978 |
1978 |
Urteil: |
... |
BUX Jose Miculax |
+1946/07/18 |
... |
... |
... |
12 |
MACU Mariano |
... |
+1946/07/18 |
location |
aka |
1946 |
1946 |
Urteil: |
On July 18, 1946, Jose Miculax Bux was executed by a firing squad , on conviction of murdering twelve boys between the ages of ten and sixteen. No further details were released, aside from the fact that a male accomplice of Bux, one Mariano Macu, had been sentenced to thirty years hard labor for participation in the murder spree.
CHANEY Ben jr. |
*1953 |
4 |
RUTRELL Martin |
*1955 |
*1950 |
+1970 |
aka |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
A child of New York City, born in 1955, Rutrell was 15 years old when he joined accomplice L.L. Thompson, 20, in a five-week murder tour of Dixie. Driven by racism and a thirst for "adventure," the black gunmen shot and wounded three white college students in Durham, North Carolina, on April 15, 1970, rolling on from there to murder another Caucasian, J.J. Bowles, at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on May 3. [ReadOn]
CHILDS Bruce |
*1936 |
11+ |
McKENNY Henry |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
1965 |
1979 |
Urteil: |
... |
CLOPTON Phillip |
*1951 |
1990/04/.. |
3 |
CABLE James Ray |
*1949 |
... |
KY |
aka |
1989 |
1990 |
Urteil: |
James Ray Cable pleaded not guilty yesterday in Jefferson Circuit Court to the murders of two women. He also is charged in Daviess County with murdering a third woman. Cable was out of prison on parole at the time of all three slayings, which took place in the 1980s. [ReadOn]
*1968 |
1 |
WOLF Shirley |
*1969 |
... |
CA |
aka |
1983 |
1983 |
Urteil: |
Cindy COLLIER und Shirley WOLF were 15 and 14 years old, when they startet prowling condominiums in California in 1983. They knocked at doors of randomly chosen victims, to gain admittance under a pretext. An elderly woman opened and chatted with them unsuspectingly, while the two girls planned to steal the lady´s car.[ ReadOn] |
COOK Anthony |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
9+ |
COOK Nathaniel |
... |
... |
Toledo OH |
aka |
1973 |
1981 |
Urteil: |
Anthony Cook, at times aided by his brother Nathaniel, embarked on a murder spree in the Toledo, Ohio, area that killed nine people from 1973 until his 1981 arrest for murder. If not for DNA evidence that had been preserved for twenty years, however, the scope of his and Nathaniel's crimes would likely never been known. [ReadOn]
CORLL Dean Allen |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
27 |
HENLEY Elmer Wayne |
TX |
BROOKS David Owen |
... |
... |
aka Candyman |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
Indiana born, on Christmas Eve of 1939, Dean Corll grew up in a combative home, his parents quarreling constantly. They were divorced while Corll was still an infant, then remarried after World War II, but Dean's father provided no stabilizing influence, regarding his children with thinly-veiled distaste, resorting to harsh punishment for the smallest infractions. [ReadOn]
*1924 |
+1949/01/03 |
5+ |
WEST John Coulter |
... |
... |
OH |
aka |
1948 |
1948 |
Urteil: Death by Electrolution |
Murl Daniels and John West One could easily get away with calling Murl Daniels and John Coulter West as "The Henry Lee Lucas and Otis Toole of Ohio." In a way they were much like Lucas and Toole, two partners in crime who decided to go on a pointless rampage of murder and mayhem. [ReadOn]
DLAMINI Bongani |
... |
+... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
Dube Sipho |
... |
+... |
... |
aka |
... |
... |
... |
Urteil: ... |
... |
DOHMEYER Juergen |
*1948 |
3 |
*1954 |
... |
Hannover |
aka |
1983 |
1983 |
Urteil: |
... |
DUFFY John Francis |
3+ |
... |
... |
location |
aka Railway Rapist |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
On February 5, 2001, British serial sex killer David Mulcahy was given three life sentences for murdering three women. He also received 24-year jail terms on each of seven counts of rape and 18 years each for five conspiracies to rape, to run concurrently. In short, Mulcahy, 41, was convicted after his childhood friend, John Duffy, spent 14 days in the witness box cataloguing their rape and murder scheme. [ReadOn] |
ELLEBRACHT Walter Wesley sr. |
ELLEBRACHT Walter Wesley jr. |
CALDWELL Robert Carlton |
... |
... |
aka |
1980s |
... |
TX |
Urteil: |
... |
*1978 |
4 |
GILBERT Lewis Eugene III. |
*1972 |
... |
aka |
1994 |
1994 |
Urteil: |
Eric Elliott, 18, and Lewis Gilbert, 24, of Newcomerstown, Ohio, bored with their mundane existence, went on a weeklong crime spree in Ohio in 1994 leaving four dead in their wake. In 1996 Gilbert was convicted in the killing of Roxy Ruddell and was sentenced to death. [ReadOn]
EMMONS Mark S. |
*1961 |
2 |
HASSETT Edward |
*1960 |
... |
NV |
aka |
1985 |
1985 |
Urteil: |
... |
ENGELMAN Dr. Glennon E. |
*1927 |
... |
... |
... |
... |
7 |
HANDY Robert |
... |
... |
MO |
aka Killing Dentist |
Urteil: |
A St. Louis dentist, linked with as many as seven homicides spanning 22 years, Engelman was first charged with murder on February 24, 1980. The victim in that case was 26-year-old Peter Halm, cut down by a sniper's bullet at Pacific, Missouri, in 1976. Engelman, age 53, was named as the trigger man in the slaying, with 47-year-old Robert Handy charged as an accomplice in an apparent scheme to collect life insurance on Halm. [ReadOn]
FLANAGAN Catherine |
1884/03/05 |
3+ |
HIGGINS Margaret |
... |
... |
Liverpool |
aka |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
55 year old hanged at Kirkdale prison, Liverpool by Bartholomew Binns, side by side with her sister, Margaret Higgins. Flanagan and Higgins were both convicted of the poisoning of 44 year old Higgin's husband, Thomas, for his life insurance. [ReadOn]
FLUETTE Todd Everett |
... |
... |
KRING David Allen |
*... |
... |
San Diego |
aka Balboa Park Murders |
1992 |
... |
location |
Urteil: |
... |
7+ |
FRENCH William Donald |
... |
... |
aka Shoebox Annie Mayer |
1920s |
... |
Urteil: |
... |
3 |
... |
... |
location |
aka |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
... |
GECHT Robin |
18+ |
IL |
... |
... |
aka Chicago Rippers |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
... |
GHIRA Andrea |
2+ |
GUIDO Giovanni |
Circeo |
IZZO Angelo |
... |
... |
aka Monster of Circeo |
1975 |
1975 |
Urteil: |
... |
GONZALES Delfina |
91+ |
GONZALES Maria de Jesus |
... |
... |
Guanajuata |
aka |
1950s |
1963 |
Urteil: |
These two deadly sisters ran the bordello from hell in Guanajuato, Mexico. They recruited their prostitutes through help wanted adds and killed them when they stopped pleasing the clientele. Sometimes they even killed the johns who showed up to the brothel with big wads of cash.
After too many unexplained disappearances the cops raided the premises where they found the bodies of eleven males, eighty females, and several fetuses - obviously from illegal abortions.
GOODMAN Keith Eugene |
*1959 |
4 |
HOLLAND Tracy Lynn |
*1968 |
NY |
MEAD Jon Christopher |
*1967 |
... |
aka |
1989 |
1990 |
Urteil: |
... |
GORE David Alan |
*1953/08/21 |
... |
... |
FL |
aka |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
A Florida native, born in 1951, David Gore resembled the stereotypical Southern "redneck," tipping the scales at 275 pounds, so enamored of firearms that he studied gunsmithing in his free time. He studied women, too, but in a different fashion, losing one job as a gas station attendant after the owner found a peephole Gore had drilled between the men's and women's restrooms. [ReadOn] |
*1949/02/24 |
+1997/01/23 |
... |
... |
... |
9 |
TISON Gary Gene |
*... |
+... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
1973 |
1978 |
Urteil: Death by Lethal Injection |
In retrospect, considering the time he spent in jail, it seemed incredible that Gary Tison could command such loyalty from his family. Imprisoned at the age of 25 for robbery, he took advantage of a meeting with his wife to flee the county jail in Florence, Arizona. Recaptured and later paroled, [ReadOn] |
GRETZLER Douglas Edward |
*1951/05/21 |
+1998/06/03 |
16+ |
STEELMAN William Luther |
... |
... |
CA |
aka |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
On June 4, 1998, rampager Douglas Edward Gretzler -- who had been on death row since November 15, 1976 -- was executed by lethal injection for two murders in Arizona's first daytime execution. Gretzler, 47, who along with mental hospital escapee Willie Luther Steelman, confessed to killing 17 people during a week long rampage through Arizona and northern California. [ReadOn] |
HAERM DR. Teet |
*1953 |
... |
... |
... |
10+ |
ALLGEN DR. Thomas Lars |
*1949 |
Stockholm |
aka Vampire Doctors |
1982 |
1987 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
The brutal murder of Katrina de Costa, a prostitute in the red light district began the case against two rather unlikely suspects. Over a five-year-period, between 1982 and 1987, at least seven prostitutes solicited by the night stalking pair were pulled from the streets and seedy nightclubs. Dismembered and bloodless bodies were found strewn around fields, parks, and ravines in the city suburbs. [ReadOn]
HALEY Kevin Bernard |
*1964 |
... |
... |
... |
7 |
HALEY Reginald |
*1960 |
... |
CA |
1983 |
1984 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
The Haley brothers made a lethal team. Born in 1960 and 1964, respectively, Reginald and Kevin did everything together, sharing drugs and women, ultimately joining forces in a two-man crime wave that would terrorize Los Angeles. [ReadOn]
*1955 |
... |
... |
... |
4 |
*1964 |
1984 |
1985 |
NY |
Verdict/Urteil: |
In 1984 and early 1985, Long Island was the scene of several rapes and murders aimed at teenage girls, with evidence suggesting that the crimes had been committed by a mobile group including three or more young men. Police have solved one case, with indications that the perpetrators -- and unknown accomplices -- may be responsible for other slayings in the area. New evidence, secured by newsman Maury Terry, further indicates the possible involvement of a devil-worship cult with ties to other lethal groups in New York City and in California. [ReadOn] |
HARPE Micajah |
*1768 |
+1799/08/.. |
... |
... |
... |
40+ |
HARPE Wiley |
*1770 |
+1804/02/08 |
1798 |
1804 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Brothers Big and Little Harpe have been credited by historian Paul I. Wellman with 30+ murders in Kentucky and Tennessee in the 1790's. The wandering types, they enjoyed killing on whim. Once Big Harpe quieted a crying baby by bashing its skull in. Many victims were disposed by stuffing stones within their abdomens before dumping them in the nearest river. [ReadOn] |
HERNANDEZ Cayetano |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
12 |
... |
*1963 |
Tamaulipas |
SOLIS Magdalena |
... |
... |
aka High Priestess of Blood |
1963 |
... |
Verdict/Urteil: 30 years (each) |
Santos and Cayetano Hernandez recruited Magdalena Solis and her brother Eleazor to pose as mystical gods so their gang could exhort money and sex from thier followers. Early in 1963, the Hernandez brothers convinced the remote village of Yerba Buena that the Inca gods of the mountain were willing to give them fabulous wealth in exchange for their undivided loyalty and sexual favors. [ReadOn] |
HUBBARD Vincent |
*1965 |
3 |
HUBER Eileen |
*1971 |
CA |
LEWIS John Irvin |
*1970 |
*1965 |
1991 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
HURD Steven Craig |
*1950 |
2 |
GIBONEY Christopher |
*1953 |
HULSE Arthur |
*1964 |
TAYLOR Herman |
*1963 |
1970 |
CA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
A barbiturate addict and native of Southern California, born in 1950, by the age of 20 Hurd had organized a small Satanic cult in Orange County, recruiting three teenage boys and a 31-year-old woman as his devoted followers. From time to time, as cash ran short, they lived like trolls, in highway culverts, dropping pills and raiding garbage cans for food. [ReadOn] |
ISAAC Tommy Lee |
*1976 |
3 |
JOHNSON Roderick |
*1975 |
TX |
JONES Aubrey |
*1976 |
WHALEY Michael |
*1974 |
WHALEY Terrell |
*1975 |
... |
aka |
1992 |
1992 |
Urteil: |
... |
JACKSON Peyton |
... |
... |
... |
15+ |
AL |
REED John |
1919 |
1923 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
JOHNSTON Bruce sr. |
*1939 |
... |
... |
... |
9+ |
PA |
HAMM Ancell Eugene |
1970 |
1985 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
JONES John Ray |
*1971 |
... |
... |
... |
2 |
ROSE Jason Wayne |
*1968 |
OR |
1988 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
JONES Milton |
*1970 |
... |
... |
... |
2 |
SIMMONS Theodore |
*1969 |
NY |
1987 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
3 |
Philadelphia Shoemaker |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Joseph Kallinger, a cobbler by trade, led a life steeped in madness and crime. As an adopted child he grew up under the constant abuse from his parents. It is no surprise that when he became a father he was abusive too. [ReadOn]
KAUFFMAN Christopher |
1979/1975 |
... |
... |
... |
2 |
McMAHAN Jamie |
1979/1975 |
IA |
1997 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
KEENE Marvallaus |
*1933 |
... |
... |
... |
5 |
SMITH Demarcus |
*1975 |
OH |
MATTHEWS Heather |
TAYLOR Laura |
1992 |
1992 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
KIMES Sante |
... |
... |
... |
2+ |
KIMES Kenneth |
The Grifters |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
KNIGHTON Robert Wesley |
*1942 |
... |
... |
... |
4 |
BRITTAIN Lawrence Lingle |
*1973 |
WILLIAMS Ruth Renee |
1990 |
1990 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
KNOPPA Anthony Michael |
*1948 |
... |
... |
... |
4 |
LANHAM Harry |
TX |
1971 |
1971 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
On November 3, 1971, the body of 16-year-old Adele Crabtree was found outside Conroe, Texas. Last seen alive at a "hippy" commune in Houston, she was fully clothed when found, her death attributed to close-range shotgun blasts. The same day, Linda Sutherlin was reported missing in Houston, when she failed to come home after work. [ReadOn] |
LeFRANC Family |
... |
... |
... |
? |
Illies |
Verdict/Urteil: |
On May 27, 1998, authorities accuseed the Lefrancs -- a clan of inbreds in northern France -- of murdering several babies, the offspring of an incestuous relationship between the daughter and her three brothers. [ReadOn]
LEGRAND Devernon |
*1925 |
... |
... |
... |
6+ |
LEGRAND Steven |
*1950 |
NY |
1963 |
1975 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
A New York native, born in 1925, LeGrand was arrested on charges of kidnapping , assault, and firearms possession in 1965. Three years later, police accused him of snatching a 23-year-old woman from her home, assaulting and raping her before she managed to escape. [ReadOn]
LEWINGDON Gary James |
... |
... |
... |
8+ |
LEWINGDON Thaddeus Charles |
.22 Caliber Killers |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Between February and December 1978, residents of Columbus, Ohio, were panicked by a string of random, senseless murders, characterized by nocturnal ambush and home invasions, with victims shot numerous times in the head at close range. Police were stymied in their search for the ".22-caliber Killer," and only a clumsy mistake by one gunman prevented the crimes from continuing indefinitely. [ReadOn] |
LIM Adrian |
+1988/11/.. |
HONG Hoe Kah |
+1988/11/.. |
CHOO Tan Mui |
+1988/11/.. |
... |
aka |
1981 |
1981 |
Verdict/Urteil: Death by Hanging (1983 |
LISTER Alfred |
... |
... |
... |
NICHOLS George |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
REID Robin |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
10+ |
GA |
1910s |
Verdict/Urteil: |
It was the autumn of 1920 when two black farm workers contacted the U.S. Justice Department in Atlanta and told federal agents a harrowing story of forced servitude and brutality on the William's farm. Once John Williams learned of this investigation he and Clyde Manning started the killing. [ReadOn]
MANSON Charles Milles |
*1934/11/12 |
... |
... |
... |
9+ |
ATKINS Susan |
CA |
HOUTEN Leslie van |
FROMME Lynette "Squeaky" |
BEAUSOLEIL Robert Kenneth |
born No Name MADDOX |
Verdict/Urteil: |
From Left: Manson, Atkins, Beausoleil, Fromme, Watson, van Houten, Kasabian, Krenwinkel, Brunner
Self-styled guru and leader of the 1960s religious cult the Manson Family, Charles Manson is a convicted serial killer who never actually killed any of his victims himself.
McCRARY Sherman Ramon |
*1925 |
+1988/10/09 |
... |
... |
... |
22+ |
McCRARY Carolyn Elizabeth |
*1928 |
nationwide |
McCRARY Danny Sherman |
*1952 |
McCRARY Ginger |
*1938 |
TAYLOR Carl Robert |
*1949 |
1971 |
1972 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
On June 16, 1972, a Santa Barbara police officer was shot and wounded by a gunman fleeing the scene of an $11,000 supermarket robbery. Witnesses recalled the license number of the bandit's car, and it was traced to an address in suburban Goleta, occupied by 47-year-old Sherman McCrary, his wife Carolyn, and their 19-year-old son Danny. [ReadOn]
McDUFF Kenneth Allen |
*1946 |
+1998/11/17 |
... |
... |
... |
10+ |
GREEN Roy Dale |
*1948 |
TX |
WORLEY Alva Hank |
*1958 |
1966 |
1992 |
Verdict/Urteil: Death Penalty (McDUFF) |
On November 17, 1998 serial killer Kenneth Allen McDuff was finally put to death by lethal injection in Huntsville prison for the 1992 abduction, rape and murder of 22-year-old Melissa Ann Northrup, a pregnant mother of two from Waco. Before dying, the 52-year-old McDuff said, "I'm ready to be released; release me." [ReadOn] |
McFARLANE Michael |
*... |
+... |
... |
... |
... |
11+ |
JACKSON William |
*... |
NY |
AIKENS Thomas |
*... |
1980 |
1980 |
Verdict/Urteil: 25 years to life |
On February 23, 1980, New York police announced the arrests of 20-year-old Michael McFarlane, 19-year old William Jackson, and 19-year-old Thomas Aikens, on charges of killing five persons and wounding a sixth in Manhattan, during a two -week string of petty robberies. Authorities also suspected the trio of six more murders, in the Bronx, committed since mid-January. [ReadOn] |
MUHAMMAD John Allen |
12+ |
MALVO John Lee |
WA |
Washington Sniper |
Verdict/Urteil: |
John A. Muhammad Mechanic, Tacoma/Bellingham
Best known in connection with a seemingly random series of sniper shootings in the Washington, D.C.-area last fall, they are suspected of 13 slayings and five attempted killings in five states and the District of Columbia, including the fatal shooting of Keenya Cook in Tacoma in February 2002. |
MUNOZ Jose |
3 |
MUNOZ Romero Orlando Gene |
CA |
SELF Christopher |
1970/1968/19 |
1992 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
NAGYREV Angelmakers of |
... |
... |
... |
100+ |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Nagyrev is a farming village on the River Tisza in Hungary, about sixty miles southeast of Budapest, near another town called Tiszakurt. For a time, a community of killers flourished in these two places... thanks to the midwives. [ReadOn]
... |
... |
3 |
1972/1960 |
1994 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ORJI Clifford |
ORJI Tahiru |
... |
... |
location |
aka |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
... |
PENN Thomas Lee |
*1948 |
6+ |
PENN William |
*1941 |
VA |
1966 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
At first, the only similarity between the crimes appeared to be the killer's choice of weapon. In the six weeks ending on May 24, 1966, a half-dozen victims were cut down at random in Richmond, Virginia, their ranks including male and female, black and white. It would require an error by a boastful gunman for police to crack the case, and they would nearly lose a seventh victim in the process. [ReadOn] |
PETERSON Christopher Dwayne |
*1968 |
7+ |
HARRIS Ronald J. |
*1969 |
1990 |
IN |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
PLEIL Rudolf |
+1958/02/.. |
25+ |
*1914 |
*1928 |
1946 |
1950 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Rudolf Pleil made an unlikely-looking monster. Fat and jovial, he radiated charm and a disarming sense of humor, worming his way into the confidence of the women who became his victims. None would see the darker side in time to save themselves, but it existed all the same, concealed within a man who called himself Germany's "champion death-maker." [ReadOn] |
RANES Danny A. |
RANES Larry Lee |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
3+ |
WITHERS George |
... |
... |
... |
1995 |
1998 |
... |
Verdict/Urteil: 8 years (WITHERS); 10-30 years (ROBINSON) |
These men formed a unit designed solely to apprehend and prosecute Alonzo Robinson and an associate, George Withers, when they noticed a pattern in a series of violent crimes, all involving extensive facial disfigurement of the victims. [ReadOn] |
RUIZ Paul |
*1948 |
+1997/01/08 |
6 |
DENTON Earl Van |
*1950 |
AR |
1977 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
SACH Amelia |
*1873 |
+1902 |
... |
... |
... |
? |
+1902 |
London |
aka Finchley Baby Farmers |
1890s |
1902 |
Verdict/Urteil: Death by Hanging |
Annie Walters and Amelia Sach, the "Finchley Baby Farmers" became the first women to be hanged in the new women's prison at Holloway on the 3rd of February 1903 by William Billington and Henry Pierrepoint. Previously female executions in London had been carried out at Newgate prison. [ReadOn]
SANTOS Carlos Alberto |
... |
... |
... |
... |
GOMES Amailton |
aka |
1994 |
1995 |
Sao Paolo |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
SHERMANTINE Wesley Howard |
... |
... |
... |
4-24 |
HERZOG Loren Joseph |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
On March 23, 1999, prosecutors in Stockton, California charged Loren Joseph Herzog -- one of the men accused of kidnapping and killing 25-year-old Cyndi Vanderheiden -- with four additional counts of murder, bringing possible closure to a string of unsolved killings dating back to 1984. [ReadOn] |
... |
... |
... |
38+ |
SELEPE David |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
A surprisingly intelligent and gentle mannered Moses Sithole is allegedly South Africa's worst serial killer. The suspected Gauteng serial killer, Sithole was charged in the Pretoria Supreme Court with 38 charges of murder, 40 charges of rape and six of robbery. Between 1994 and 1995 he allegedly strangled women in the Pretoria, Johannesburg and East Rand areas. [ReadOn]
SMITH Harold Glenn |
*1966 |
... |
... |
... |
4 |
CRAVEY Michael Gene |
*1967 |
TX |
RIVERA Shannon |
TOSH Martin Wayne |
TRIMMER John-Michael Alexander |
1985 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
On August 14, 1985, police in Houston were summoned to the Rest Haven Cemetery, where the custodian had found a young man's mutilated body. Identified as 19-year-old Dennis Medler, the victim had been savagely tortured before death, beaten and slashed with knives, one eye gouged from its socket, his hair burned down to the scalp and his teeth hammered out. [ReadOn] |
SPESIVTSEV Lyudmilla |
19+ |
SPESIVTSEV Alexander "Sasha" |
Siberia |
1991 |
1997 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
In a one man crusade to cleanse modern Russia from the permissiveness of democracy, Sasha Spesivtsev, 27, killed at least 19 street children who he saw as the detritus of society. Inexplicably, with the help of his mother, he also cooked and ate them. [ReadOn] |
TABORSKY Joseph L. |
*1924 |
7 |
CULOMBE Arthur |
*1923 |
CT |
1951 |
1955 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
In 1951, at age 27, Joseph Taborsky was convicted and sentenced to die for the holdup-murder of Louis Woolson, a liquor store proprietor in west Hartford, Connecticut. Taborsky's accomplice -- and the chief witness against him -- was his brother Albert, sentenced to a term of life imprisonment for his participation in the crime. [ReadOn]
... |
... |
... |
1 |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
FERRELL Rodrick J. |
*1980/03/28 |
KY |
KEESEE Charity L. |
*1980/09/12 |
ANDERSON Howard S. |
*1979/12/18 |
COOPER Dana L. |
*1977/04/08 |
aka |
... |
... |
Urteil: |
For years, this quiet college town was perhaps best known as home of the national Boy Scout museum. Now it is newly notorious, and its residents increasingly afraid, with the discovery that some of its teens belonged to a vampire cult. The news that four area teen-agers are suspected of beating a Florida couple to death was frightening enough. [ReadOn]
WAGNER Robert |
... |
... |
... |
10+ |
BUNTIN John Justin |
HAYDON Mark Ray |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
In what's become Australia's worst serial murder case, police said they have found the remains of ten people -- eight in vats of corrosive chemicals in a deserted bank vault, and two buried in a suburban backyard of a house once occupied by one of the suspects. [ReadOn]
WAGNER Waltraud |
... |
... |
... |
300+ |
MAYER Stefanija |
Vienna |
GRUBER Maria |
aka Todesschwestern von Lainz, Death Angels of Lainz |
Verdict/Urteil: Waltraud WAGNER Life (15 murders, 17 attempts of murder); Irene LEIDOLF Life (5 murders, 2 attempts of murder); Stephanija MAYER 15 years (1 murder 2nd degree, 7 attempts of murder); Maria GRUBER 15 years (2 attempts of murder) |
In 1989 Waltraud WAGNER and three auxiliary nurses of Vienna´s Lainz hospital confessed on killing more than 40 elderly patients. WAGNER, of "divine" patience and never weak, invented the method, the accomplices called "mouth care": [ReadOn]
WARDLAW Virginia |
... |
... |
... |
3 |
MARTIN Caroline Wardlaw |
South |
SNEYD Mary Wardlaw |
1900s |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
YORK George |
LATHAM James D. |
... |
... |
GA |
aka |
... |
... |
Urteil: Death by Hanging / Tod durch den Strang |
John LATHAM (19) of Mauriceville (TX) and George YORK (18) of Jacksonville (FL) were headline makers in May and June of 1961. They were among the first modern serial killers to attract nationwide attention. [ ReadOn] |
How to read the Data |
1.Row |
Gender, LASTNAME Firstname(s), birth, death, country of crime |
victims confessed |
victims charged for |
victims sentenced |
victims suspected |
2.Row |
Nickname(s), crimes started, crimes ended, location(s) |