RACHALS Terri Eden Maples |
1962 |
... |
... |
... |
6+ |
aka |
1985 |
GA |
Verdict/Urteil:17 years (insanity) |
In November 1985, administrators at Phoebe Putney Hospital, in Albany, Georgia, were alarmed by a sudden rash of cardiac arrests in the intensive care unit. A review of hospital records showed six suspicious deaths, with an equal number of near-misses, since late October, and police were quietly notified. Post-mortem examinations blamed the six deaths on injections of potassium chloride, and homicide investigators went to work the case full-time. [ReadOn]
RADER Dennis L. |
*1946 |
... |
... |
... |
... |
10+ |
aka BTK Strangler |
1974 |
1991 |
Wichita KS |
Urteil: 10 x life |
March 19, 2004:
The Wichita Eagle receives a letter with copies of the drivers license of Vicki WEGERLE and three fotos of the crime scene of her murder. First thinking about a bad joke, it soon becomes obvious, that the incredible happened: [ ReadOn] |
RAE BARELI Serial Killer |
41 |
... |
... |
41+ |
aka |
Utta Pradesh |
Verdict/Urteil: |
On August 13, 1969, officials in Bombay , India, announced that 40-year-old Raman Raghav had been sentenced to hang following his conviction of multiple murders. According to sketchy reports, the defendant openly confessed to slaying forty-one men, women, and children, selected at random for the sheer pleasure of killing. |
RAGHAV Raman |
... |
... |
... |
41+ |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
On August 13, 1969, officials in Bombay , India, announced that 40-year-old Raman Raghav had been sentenced to hang following his conviction of multiple murders. According to sketchy reports, the defendant openly confessed to slaying forty-one men, women, and children, selected at random for the sheer pleasure of killing.
RAHMAN Yusef Abdullah |
1968 |
... |
... |
... |
4+ |
1987 |
1988 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RAIES Jean |
... |
... |
... |
12 |
AD |
1880 |
Geneva |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
... |
Seoul |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RAIS Gilles de |
*1406 |
+1440/10/26 |
... |
... |
... |
140+ |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: Tod durch den Strang + auf dem Scheiterhaufen |
A Fifteenth Century French war hero, Gilles was also one of medieval Europe's worst killers. An ally of Joan of Arc during the Hundred Year War, de Rais was instrumental in driving the English out of France. In his later years, after he was named Marshal of France by King Charles VII, he settled in his estates in Brittany, where he turned his heroic impulses towards torture and murder. [ReadOn]
... |
... |
... |
1 |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
5 |
1975 |
1977 |
IL |
Verdict/Urteil: 4 x Life |
In 1978, Larry Ralston received four life sentences for killing four young Tristate women. One conviction was overturned, but in 1984 he received another life sentence for murder.
Somewhere between Chicago and Batavia, in the back seat of a police car, Larry Ralston freed his conscience. [ReadOn]
RAMIREZ Pedro Pablo |
... |
... |
... |
40+ |
Pereira |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Colombian police have arrested a man suspected of murdering 29 children found in two ditches in the city of Pereira. Pedro Pablo Ramirez was arrested on Wednesday December 30, 1998, in a suburb of Pereira, 300km (200 miles) east of Bogota, in connection with the murders. [ReadOn]
RAMIREZ Rafael Resendez => RESENDIZ Angel Maturino |
RAMIREZ Richard Leyva |
... |
... |
... |
16+ |
Nightstalker |
CA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
A Los Angeles transient known as the Night Stalker, Rich was captured in Boyle Heights, a Latino neighborhood, by an angry mob after he attempted a carjacking. His good looks made him a crowd favorite. His Metalhead-gone-Satanist image made him a cult figure. Like Manson, he is an unrepentant photo-opportunity-type killer with a bevy of female followers. [ReadOn]
RAMOS Jose Antonio |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RAND Andre |
1943 |
... |
... |
... |
4+ |
Pied Piper of Staten Island |
1972 |
1987 |
NY |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Born Andre Rashan, in 1943, the "Pied Piper of Staten Island" employed various pseudonyms to cover his movements and criminal activities through the years. Between 1966 and '68, using the last name "Bruchette," he worked as a physical therapy aide at New York's Willowbrook State School - later renamed the Staten Island Development Center. [ReadOn] Born Andre Rashan, in 1943, the "Pied Piper of Staten Island" employed various pseudonyms to cover his movements and criminal activities through the years. Between 1966 and '68, using the last name "Bruchette," he worked as a physical therapy aide at New York's Willowbrook State School - later renamed the Staten Island Development Center. [ReadOn]
RANES Danny A. |
RANES Larry Lee |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RARDON Gary Duane |
1944 |
... |
... |
... |
4 |
1962 |
1974 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
6 |
aka |
Kansas City |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Gene Raspberry was convicted 1968 in Kansas City, Mo. for killing six people. |
RATH Thomas |
1959 |
... |
... |
... |
4+ |
1981 |
1983 |
Bremen |
Verdict/Urteil: |
On October 30, 1981, 18-year-old Britta Schilling vanished while hitchhiking home from a disco near Bremen, in West Germany. Her naked, ravaged body bearing 27 stab wounds and the marks of torture prior to death - was found November 6, discarded on the Devil's Moor, a hundred-square-mile area of marshland north of Bremen. [ReadOn]
RATHBUN Charles Edgar |
1957 |
... |
... |
... |
6+ |
1989 |
1995 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
4 |
1974 |
WY Rawlins |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RAY David |
0-6+ |
HENDY Cindy |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
David Parker RAY and Cindy HENDY have at least six skeletons in the closet that could be dredged from Elephant Butte Lake or dug from shallow graves in the desert. As of March 22, 1999, numerous FBI agents, including psychological "profilers," converged on a trailer home in Elephant Butte, New Mexico, to gather evidence in a case of sexual torture and possible multiple murder. [ReadOn]
RAZZAQ Abdul |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
... |
... |
... |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
READ Mark Brandon |
1955 |
... |
... |
... |
19+ |
aka Chopper |
1979 |
1991 |
Melbourne |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
REARDEN Virginia |
1932 |
... |
... |
... |
3 |
Virginia McGINNIS BW |
1972 |
1987 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
In July 1987, Louisville attorney Steve Keeney was approached by a female member of his church, seeking legal advice. The woman had been trying for months to collect a $2,500 life insurance payment on her daughter, killed in a California rock-climbing accident, but the insurance company was stalling without explanation. Keeney was moved by the womans obvious grief and near-poverty, agreeing to help if he could. [ReadOn] |
RED DOG James Allen |
1954 |
1993/03/03 |
... |
... |
... |
5+ |
1990 |
1991 |
DE |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
REDDY Anji (Umesh) |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
Hyderabad |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
REDHEAD Killer |
... |
... |
... |
6-12 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
REED John => JACKSON Peyton, JACKSON O´Delle, JACKSON Pearl, REED John & GLOVER Fred |
REES Melvin David |
... |
... |
... |
9 |
Sex Beast |
Verdict/Urteil: |
A Maryland native, born in 1933, Rees attended the state university at age 20, dropping out before graduation to pursue a career in music. On March 12, 1955, he was arrested on charges of assaulting a 36-year-old woman, dragging her into his car when she refused to enter voluntarily, but the case was dropped when his victim refused to press charges. [ReadOn] |
REEVES Jack Wane |
1940 |
... |
... |
... |
3 |
BB |
1967 |
1994 |
TX +IT |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
REEVES Randolph |
... |
... |
... |
2 |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
REID Paul Dennis |
... |
... |
... |
5+ |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Arrested in June, 1997 after he tried to kidnap his former boss at a Shoney's restaurant, Paul, a 39-year-old Texas parolee with a history of restaurant armed robberies, was charged with killing three people at a McDonald's on March 23 and two employees at a nearby Captain D's on Feb. 16. [ReadOn] |
RELDAN Robert R. |
1940 |
... |
... |
... |
8+ |
1974 |
1975 |
NJ |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Between August 1974 and November 1975, residents of northern New Jersey were alarmed by a series of random, brutal homicides that claimed the lives of eight young women, perpetrated by a man who liked to pick his victims off in pairs. He would resort to solitary targets in a pinch, however, and he kept authorities off-balance by continually altering his methods - suffocation, strangulation, gunshots - on a whim. [ReadOn] |
REMETA Daniel Eugene |
1958 |
1998/03/30 |
... |
... |
... |
5 |
1985 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
30+ |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
The most bizarre character in the chapter of Black Widows is Bucharest's Vera Renczi. She differs from most Black Widows because her motive was jealousy, not profit. Her obsession was not her men's money, but their devotion. This Hungarian beauty had many suitors and trusted not one of them. [ReadOn] |
RENDALL Martha |
1909/10/06 |
... |
... |
... |
3 |
BW |
1907 |
1908 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RESENDIZ Angel Maturino |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
8+ |
aka Railway Killer, Rafael RESENDEZ-RAMIREZ |
... |
... |
WA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Several law enforcement agencies in Southeast Texas and Mexico are looking for Rafael Resendez-Ramirez, a known vagrant freight train rider, after linking him to six deaths in Texas and one in Kentucky, all brutal beatings that took place near railroad tracks. On June 8, 1999, the latest victim, Josephine Konvicka, 73, was linked to Maturino-Resendiz, 38, by fingerprints found in her home. [ReadOn] |
REZZALA Sid Ahmed |
... |
... |
... |
3+ |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RHOADES Paul Ezra |
*1957 |
... |
... |
... |
6+ |
1985 |
1987 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
An Idaho native, born in 1957, Rhoades boasted a record of small-time arrests dating from age 21. In May 1978, he was charged with refusal to disperse, and grand theft charges were filed against him six months later, the latter count dismissed prior to trial. A new charge of refusal to disperse was lodged in March 1982, and June of that year saw him booked for petty theft. Rhoades was arrested for driving without a license in June 1985 and again in March 1986, but more serious charges of burglary were dismissed in January 1986. [ReadOn] |
RHOADES Robert Ben |
*... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RICE Darrell David |
*... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RICH Darrell Keith |
... |
... |
... |
4 |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
As of June, 1999, Shasta County serial killer Darrell Rich -- convicted of four murders in 1978 -- is slated to be the next prisoner to be executed in California. Rich, 44, of Cottonwood, was convicted of three first-degree murders, one second-degree murder and sexual assaults on five other women, all committed between June and August 1978. [ReadOn] |
RICHARDS Robert McKinley |
+1989 |
... |
... |
... |
2+ |
1986 |
1987 |
TN |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RICHARDS Stephen Lee |
+1879/04/.. |
... |
... |
... |
9+ |
Nebraska Fiend |
1879 |
NE |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
A juvenile delinquent with a history of escapes from detention facilities in Washington, D.C., 17-year-old Carl Richardson was finally charged as an adult in the murders of three victims slain after various flights from custody. Confined at Oak Hill, the capital's maximum security jail for children, Richardson broke out three times between February and September 1987. [ReadOn] |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
3 |
1981 |
1982 |
GA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
On the night of March 28, 1982, 16-year-Old Wanda Faye Reddick was dragged screaming from her bed by a kidnapper who had first crept through the family home, removing light bulbs from their sockets in an effort to delay pursuit. Her lifeless body was recovered six days later, outside Richland, in rural Stewart County. [ReadOn] |
RICHMOND Earl jr. |
1961 |
... |
... |
... |
5 |
1990 |
1991 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RICHMOND Slasher |
... |
... |
... |
... |
1990 |
VA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
VA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RIEKEN Ronnie |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RIJKE Sjef |
... |
... |
... |
2 |
aka |
1971 |
1971 |
Utrecht |
Verdict/Urteil: 2 x Life (1972) |
Sjef Rijke seemed to have no luck at all with women. During January 1971, his 18-year-old fiancee, Willy Maas, experienced a week of racking stomach pains that climaxed in her death. The symptoms seemed to coincide with food poisoning , though friends and relatives could never be precise about the suspect dish. [ReadOn] |
RISSELL Monte Ralph |
1959 |
... |
... |
... |
... |
5 |
1976 |
1977 |
VA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RIVA James |
... |
... |
... |
The Schizophrenic Vampire |
1980 |
... |
Verdict/Urteil: |
In April of 1980, James P. Riva shot his handicapped grandmother twice as she sat in her wheelchair. The gun was loaded with golden bullets. He drank the warm blood gushing from the wounds before trying to cover his tracks by burning her body and her home. Jimmy Riva was a troubled youngster who developed a bloodlust in his kindergarden days. [ReadOn] |
... |
... |
... |
7 |
1997 |
1998 |
Transkei |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RIVERA Reinaldo |
... |
... |
... |
4+ |
aka |
Georgia SC |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Police in Agusta, Georgia, believe they have arrested a serial killer responsible for the murders of at least four women in South Carolina and Georgia. Reinaldo Rivera, a 37-year-old former sailor who worked for the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, D.C., was arrested in a motel room where he tried to kill himself by slashing his wrists after a woman whom he stabbed and raped helped authorities locate him. [ReadOn] |
RIVERA Shannon => SMITH Harold Glenn, CRAVEY Michael Gene, RIVERA Shannon, TOSH Martin Wayne & TRIMMER John-Michael Alexander |
RIVERA Vincent Faustino |
1963 |
... |
... |
... |
3 |
1990 |
1995 |
FL |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
9 |
1965 |
1966 |
NJ |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
Durban |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
24 |
1981 |
1981 |
CA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
1981 häuften sich unerklärliche Todesfälle auf der Intensivstation des Riverside California County Hospitals. Eine Untersuchung fand in den Leichen Überdosen von Lidocaine. [ReadOn]
RIVERSIDE Prostitute Killer => SUFF William Lester |
RIZZO Todd Joseph |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
1935 |
1988/04/14 |
... |
... |
... |
4+ |
1981 |
1988 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROBERTS David James |
1944 |
... |
... |
... |
... |
4 |
1974 |
IN |
Verdict/Urteil: |
A native of Perth Amboy, New Jersey, born in January 1944, Roberts logged his first adult arrest at age 22. Preying on women in Gary and Crown Point, Indiana, he had raped and robbed at least two victims, leaving them locked in the trunks of their cars, before police picked him up. [ReadOn] |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
3+ |
WITHERS George |
... |
... |
... |
1995 |
1998 |
... |
Verdict/Urteil: 8 years (WITHERS); 10-30 years (ROBINSON) |
These men formed a unit designed solely to apprehend and prosecute Alonzo Robinson and an associate, George Withers, when they noticed a pattern in a series of violent crimes, all involving extensive facial disfigurement of the victims. [ReadOn] |
... |
... |
... |
6+ |
1926 |
1934 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Born to poverty in Cleveland, Mississippi, Robinson was arrested by hometown authorities in 1918, on charges of mailing obscene letters to local women. He escaped from custody en route to jail, and made his getaway despite a bullet in the shoulder. Eight years later, when decapitated women's bodies started turning up around Michigan City, police suspected Robinson alias "James Coyner" - of multiple murder. [ReadOn] |
ROBINSON Harvey Miguel |
1974 |
... |
... |
... |
3 |
1992 |
1993 |
PA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Harvey Miguel Robinson is thought to be one of the youngest serial killers in history. Joan Burghardt, a 29-year-old nurse's aide, was Robinson's first victim. She was raped and bludgeoned in her east Allentown home in August 1992. In June 1993, Robinson abducted, raped and stabbed 15-year-old newspaper carrier Charlotte Schmoyer (pictured). One of Charlotte's regular newspaper customers noticed Charlotte's cart outside her front window, but when she saw no signs of the girl, she called the offices of the Morning Call. Charlotte's supervisors could not locate her, and they contacted the police. That same afternoon, Charlotte's body was found in a heavily wooded area nearby. Charlotte had been raped and stabbed over 20 times. The next month, Robinson raped and strangled 47-year-old grandmother Jessica Jean Fortney. Another victim, Denise Sam-Cali, who was beaten and raped in her home shortly after Schmoyer's killing, escaped alive. Robinson repeatedly returned to her house. On July 31, a police officer who was waiting for Denise's attacker exchanged gunfire with Robinson. Robinson was tracked to a local hospital, where he had sought treatment for injuries. Linked to the three killings by DNA evidence, Robinson was convicted in November 1994 and sentenced to death in all three cases. Just 19 at the time, he was thought to be one of the youngest serial killers in the nation's history. In June 2001, Lehigh County Judge Edward Reibman upheld Robinson's murder convictions but threw out the death sentences in the Burghardt and Schmoyer killings, saying the trial judge had given improper sentencing instructions to the jury. In December 2004, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court affirmed the death sentence in the Fortney case and the first-degree murder convictions in the other cases, which are now back in Lehigh County Court. Gladys Burghardt says she can no longer afford to dwell on the murderous specter of the man who killed her daughter. ''I'm 83 now and it's not beneficial to my health, or my husband's health, to dwell on it. We only have a short time left, and we need to make the most of it.'' When Gladys and her husband, Stanley heard that Governor Ed Rendell had set an execution date for Robinson of April 4, Gladys said, ''This is something that's been waiting to happen, that this monster is put out of the world.'' However, the setting of the execution date is simply a formality and will lead to a stay while the next phase of appeals is carried out. ''I wish they would get it over with,'' said Gladys Burghardt, who is baffled by the notion that the killer has been able to escape execution this long. ''What good is the legal system if it doesn't carry out its threats?'' she said. ''How can someone like Harvey Robinson control the legal system?'' Denise Sam-Cali, who owns a Lehigh Valley transportation company, said she spends little time thinking about Robinson. ''We move on,'' she said. ''He's useless to society, so if they do put him to death, there's no loss.'' |
ROBINSON John Edward sr. |
... |
... |
... |
5-11 |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
In what is arguably the first cyber sex serial killer case in the Crime Archives, 56-year-old John Edward Robinson is believed to have killed at least five women over a 16-year period. The case against the bondage-killer broke when authorities, who had been investigating Robinson for over three months, arrested him for sexually assaulting two women whom he met in sadomasochistic Internet chat rooms. [ReadOn] |
ROBINSON Sarah Jane |
1905 |
... |
... |
... |
6 |
BW |
1880s |
MA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROCHE Charles jr. |
1964 |
... |
... |
... |
8+ |
1980s |
IN |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROCHE John Francis |
1927 |
1956/01/27 # |
... |
... |
... |
6+ |
1953 |
1954 |
NY |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
14-16 |
1989 |
1992 |
NY |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RODE Adolph James => BARONE Cesar Francesco |
RODRIGUEZ Robert Neal |
1950 |
1992/05/15 |
... |
... |
... |
3 |
1984 |
1992 |
FL |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RODRIGUEZ VEGA Jose Antonio => VEGA Jose Antonio Rodriguez |
ROEDER Michaela (RÖDER) |
1950 |
... |
... |
... |
10-17 |
Wuppertal Angel of Death, Todesengel von Wuppertal |
1980s |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROGERS David Keith |
1947 |
... |
... |
... |
3+ |
1986 |
CA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
A navy veteran and father of two, born in 1947, Rogers moved to Bakersfield, California, at age 30, finding employment with the Kern County Sheriff's Department a year later. He spent five years on beats where prostitutes were numerous, and he was fired March 22, 1983, for taking nude photographs of a hooker in a local cemetery. [ReadOn] |
ROGERS Dayton Leroy |
1953 |
... |
... |
... |
8 |
Molalla Forest Killer |
1987 |
OR |
Verdict/Urteil: |
The youngest of three children, Rogers was born in Moscow, Idaho, in 1954. His parents moved frequently, adopting four more children along the way, and Rogers turned to petty juvenile crime after losing his favored place as the baby of the family. In seventh grade, he was arrested for shooting a BB gun at passing cars, but serious violence was postponed until his late teens, with females singled out as his victims of preference. [ReadOn] |
ROGERS Glen Edward |
1963 |
... |
... |
... |
5+ |
Casanova Killer, Cross Country Killer |
1994 |
1995 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
A charming, handsome and volatile individual, Glen was the focus of an all-points national manhunt after a cross-country rampage that left at least four women dead in four separate states. The consummate ladies man, Glen liked to pick up blond and redheaded women in bars and ask them for a ride home. [ReadOn] |
ROGERS Kenneth Paul |
1943 |
... |
... |
... |
3 |
1969 |
IL |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROGERS Ramon Jay |
1959 |
... |
... |
... |
4+ |
1977 |
1994 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Ramon, an aspiring actor and heavy-metal drummer, was arrested in March of 1996 in San Diego after the body parts of his visiting ex-girlfriend were found in the apartment complex he managed. The discovery triggered the reopening of two other cases involving the mutilation-murder of another of his old girlfriends and the disappearance of one of his friends. Investigators have also looked into two other murders outside San Diego County that might be linked to Rogers. The body parts of the old flame found, reportedly teeth and fingers, were in a plastic bag inside a storage locker near his parking space. |
ROGERS Richard W. |
... |
... |
... |
aka Last Call Killer |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Along the rural East Coast during the early 1990s, the remains of five middle-aged men were found dumped along some roadway. Found variously in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, they had been murdered, dismembered, and wrapped tightly in several layers of plastic bags. [ReadOn] |
ROGOSIN Sergej |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROJAS Teofilo *Sparks* |
... |
... |
... |
592+ |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROLLE Randal |
1918 |
1949/10/14 |
... |
... |
... |
9# |
1940s |
MS |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROLLING Danny Harold |
*1954 |
+2006/10/25 |
... |
... |
... |
8+ |
aka Gainesville Ripper |
1989 |
1990 |
Verdict/Urteil: Death |
A native of Shreveport, Louisiana, born May 26, 1954, Danny Rolling was the elder son of a foul-tempered policeman who treated his boys to regular ass-whippings, often supplemented with bond-age and blindfolds as punishment for real or imagined infractions. When not working his beat, James Rolling trapped and killed stray cats in his back yard, enjoying their agonized death throes. [ReadOn] |
ROMAGNA Giuseppe |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROMANOV Vladimir |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
2 |
1997 |
Rome, Florence |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROME GAY Killer |
... |
... |
... |
19 |
aka |
1990 |
1997 |
Rome |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RONNING Michael |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
... |
... |
FL |
Verdict/Urteil: |
ROOYEN Gert van |
1990 |
... |
... |
... |
7 |
aka |
1988 |
1989 |
Pretoria |
Verdict/Urteil: |
A murderous pedophile in Pretoria, South Africa. He kidnapped, sexually abused, and murdered 6 young teenage girls before offing himself and his mistress, Joey Haarhof with a 357, when the local heat closed in on him after a car chase. |
ROSALES Jose Juarez |
... |
... |
... |
7-20 |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROSE Jason Wayne => JONES John Ray & ROSE Jason Wayne |
ROSENFELD Brian Kevin |
1958 |
... |
... |
... |
23+ |
AD |
1990 |
FL |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROSENOW Joseph |
... |
... |
... |
1 |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROSS Michael Bruce |
+2005/05/13 |
... |
... |
... |
6+ |
aka |
Hartford CN |
Verdict/Urteil: Death by Lethal Injection |
Born in Brooklyn, Connecticut, where his parents ran an egg farm, Ross concentrated on animal science in high school, moving on to Cornell University in 1977 and earning his bachelor's degree in 1981. After graduation, he worked briefly at an egg farm near Columbus, Ohio, but Ross had trouble keeping his mind on the chickens. [ReadOn] |
ROSTOV on DON SEX Killings |
... |
... |
... |
8 |
1992 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROTH Randolph Gordon |
1954 |
... |
... |
... |
2 |
BB |
1981 |
1990 |
WA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROULET Jacques |
... |
... |
... |
# |
1590s |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROWLAND Walter Graham |
1947/02/27 |
... |
... |
... |
2 |
1930s |
1946 |
Manchester |
Verdict/Urteil: |
On October 20, 1946, Olive Balchin, age 40, was found dead at a World War II bomb site in Manchester, England, her skull crushed with a hammer left at the scene. Descriptions of a suspect seen with the woman led authorities to Rowland, whose criminal record included a prior conviction for child-murder. At his trial, Rowland was convicted of the slaying despite a confession from Liverpool jail inmate David John Ware. Sentenced to die, Rowland was hanged at Strangways prison on February 27, 1947. Ware, his would-be benefactor, was confined to an asylum in 1951, after trying to murder another woman. |
ROWLES *Snowy* |
1932/06/13 |
... |
... |
... |
2+ |
John Thomas SHMITH |
1929 |
1930 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROWNTREE Mark Andrew |
1957 |
... |
... |
... |
4 |
1976 |
Leeds |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
ROZIER Robert |
... |
... |
... |
7+ |
Neriah ISRAEL |
1981 |
1986 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
A star football player at UC Berkeley, Rozier was drafted by the St. Louis Cardinals but quit the team after playing two games as a pro. He moved on to the Canadian Football League, then signed up briefly with the Oakland Raiders, but his will to win had disappeared somewhere along the way. [ReadOn] |
RUDA Manuela |
1 |
RUDA Daniel |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
1904 |
1954 |
... |
... |
... |
3+ |
AD |
1954 |
Walterhausen |
Verdict/Urteil: |
A fiftyish native of Walterhausen, in East Germany, Rudloff was a registered nurse, known for his kindly demeanor, who "took real pride in healing the sick." Unknown to his acquaintances, however, Rudloff harbored lethal resentment toward licensed physicians more qualified than himself... and against one physician in particular. [ReadOn] |
RUIZ Paul |
*1948 |
+1997/01/08 |
6 |
DENTON Earl Van |
*1950 |
AR |
1977 |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
... |
... |
... |
4+ |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RULLOFFSON Edward Howard |
1871/05/.. |
... |
... |
... |
4+ |
Edward RULOFF AD |
1870 |
1871 |
NY |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RUNBO Gong |
... |
... |
... |
20+ |
aka |
Beijing |
... |
RUNG Thomas |
... |
... |
... |
13+ |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
... |
RUNGE Paul Frederick |
... |
... |
... |
7 |
aka |
Verdict/Urteil: |
On June 14, 2001, Paul Frederick Runge, 31, was charged in Chicago with murdering and sexually assaulting six women and a 10-year-old girl in a string of sex attacks in Cook County and DuPage County between 1995 and 1997. The suspect, Paul Frederick Runge, has been behind bars since 1997, when he was arrested for a parole violation. [ReadOn] |
RUSSELL George Waterfield |
1958 |
... |
... |
... |
3 |
Eastside Serial Killer |
1990 |
WA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Unemployed, Mercer Island
Raped and killed three women he met in Eastside bars, leaving their bodies in particular poses. A small-time burglar/con-artist who pretended to be a cop, Russell made his living off women he met, through trickery and theft. Status: In prison in Washington. |
RUTRELL Martin => CHANEY Ben jr. & RUTRELL Martin & THOMPSON L.L. |
RUZICKA James Edward |
1950 |
... |
... |
... |
2 |
1973 |
WA |
Verdict/Urteil: |
In and out of juvenile facilities and prisons from the age of nine, James Ruzicka was the product of an abusive home who compounded his problem with abuse of LSD, cocaine, mescaline and heroin. He first practiced bestiality as a child, soon progressing to the molestation of young girls. [ReadOn] |
1963 |
... |
... |
... |
19 |
Hippopotamus |
1991 |
1993 |
Moscow |
Verdict/Urteil: |
Sergei, a necrophilic killer known as "The Hippopotamus" because of his size, is believed to have slain up to 19 people in the suburbs of Moscow. Six more survived his attacks. In July, 1995 he was sentenced to death for his crimes. [ReadOn] |
Statistics R |
16 |
Unsolved Cases |
Female suspects / on trial |
8 |
Female Serial Killers |
Male suspect / on trial |
92 |
Male Serial Killers |
116 |
Cases total |